Japonia. Rynek japoński - informacje, aktualności, informacje
Japonia jest głównym inwestorem azjatyckim w Polsce. Obecnie PAIiIZ obsługuje 9 projektów z kapitałem japońskim o wartości 63 mln euro, które przyczynią się do stworzenia ponad 1000 miejsc pracy.
Linki Przewodnik po rynku japońskim WPHI Tokio Przewodnik Eksportera po rynku Japonii - KIG http://www.jetro.go.jp/poland/handlowe/linki/instytucj... http://www.yellowpage-jp.com/ http://www.paiz.gov.pl/search/index.php?lang_id=16&whe... http://www.mg.gov.pl/Wspolpraca+z+zagranica/Wspolpraca... http://www.tokio.msz.gov.pl/pl/wspolpraca_dwustronna/g... http://www.pl.emb-japan.go.jp/relations.htm http://www.hottosell.pl/kupuj-online-na-rakuten.html http://progresa.pl/strefa-wiedzy/savoir-vivre-w-miedzynarodowym-biznesie-japonia-cz-1-3/ http://www.tanoshi.pl http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nippon_Keidanren http://www.keidanren.or.jp/english/ http://www.paiz.gov.pl/20120416/keidanren_w_polsce http://num-corp.com/en/ http://www.alibaba.com/activities/jp/ggs/products.html?tracelog=hpleft_ggs_jp http://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Tam-mieszkam-Japonia-cz-1-2436595.html http://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Tam-mieszkam-Japonia-cz-2-2436600.html https://tokyo.trade.gov.pl/pl/ http://www.tokio.msz.gov.pl/pl/ http://www.eu-japan.eu/ http://www.een.org.pl/index.php/azja.html http://www.paiz.gov.pl/search/index.php?lang_id=16&where=1000&word=japonia&submit.x=27&submit.y=-2 http://www.jetro.go.jp/poland/ http://japonia-online.pl/ http://www.jetro.go.jp/poland/jetro/wydarzenia/2008_spotkania_wroclaw.html/japonska_kultura_biznesu.pdf http://inwestycje.ocrg.opolskie.pl/files/Roznice_kulturowe_-_Japonia.pdf http://www.kig.pl/files/BWZ/japonia_e_2012.pdf http://ryoko.pl/s-kontakt,5.html http://www.forbes.pl/polacy-slabo-zainteresowani-japonia-ale-eksport-rosnie,artykuly,156736,1,1.html http://www.dziennikwschodni.pl/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20140408/NEWS01/140409635 Wybrane firmy http://www.alibaba.com/products/Dresses/JP.html http://www.alibaba.com http://global.rakuten.com http://jione.com http://www.jines-jp.com http://www.tite.jp http://www.dresslave.com http://www.specchio.jp http://www.daiyaindustry.com http://www.mitubosi.jp http://www.kobel.co.jp http://kunihime-kimono.com http://www.iwamashoji.co.jp http://www.pample.com http://www.flexjapan.co.jp http://www.harada-orimono.co.jp http://livluz.com http://www.bridal-bloom.jp http://www.bloom-luxe.jp http://www.bloom-style.jp http://www.yucho-sake.jp http://www.marushin-kyoto.co.jp http://www.kurosu.info http://www.oshiborijapan.com http://www.nishiki-ch.co.jp http://idocorporation.com http://www.trimco.co.jp http://www.iris.co.jp http://www.osewaya.jp http://kobeshoes.co.jp http://www.assistcosplay.com http://www.sevenwave.jp https://www.japantodoor.com http://www.marunaka-tex.com http://www.mindwave.co.jp http://www.bizwear.jp http://www.bizkura.jp http://www.jamble.co.jp http://www.tokunagagoi.co.jp http://www.misugi.biz http://www.moripearl.co.jp http://wonder-price.net http://www.zerojapan.jp http://www.tagaya-group.com http://www.garden-label.com http://www.imakei-pearl.co.jp http://www.katotrade.net http://www1.kenko064.com/ http://www.arasawa.co.jp http://www.superdelivery.com http://www.de3.jp http://www.torune.co.jp http://www.reacjapan.com http://www.designstore-tokyo.com http://www.m2cop.co.jp http://www.taniken-co.co.jp http://www.doree.co.jp http://www.eastpond.co.jp http://www.casselinicasselini.com http://www.taiseiseni.co.jp http://www.sewing-takeuchi.co.jp http://www.an-ciel.net http://www.kurukuruya.co.jp http://www.curu2.com http://www.casual-box.com http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/casualbox/ http://www.psytus.jp http://factorydirect-s.com http://www.conomi.jp http://www.y-sada.co.jp http://www.fint-shop.com http://www.takihyo.co.jp http://www2.style-flow.co.jp http://cyfroteka.pl/ebooki/Japonia_oczami_fana__Zostawilem_serce_w_Tokio-ebook/p0205620i020 http://www.koniecswiata.net/azja/japonia/encyklopedia/informacje-praktyczne/ http://nawsiwjaponii.blogspot.com http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/deli_days/parcel/tokyo_en.html MG: Notatka informacyjna o gospodarce Japonii i stosunkach gospodarczych z Polską Imprezy targowe w Japonii
By EventsEye.com
PRINTED ELECTRONICS - ASIA Asia Printed Electronics Congress & Expo Tokyo 03.09 - 04.09 2014 BATTERY OSAKA International Rechargeable Battery Expo Osaka 03.09 - 05.09 2014 INTERNATIONAL SMART GRID EXPO OSAKA International exhibition and conference specialized in all kinds of technologies and services related to Smart Grid Osaka 03.09 - 05.09 2014 PV EXPO OSAKA International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo Osaka 03.09 - 05.09 2014 LOGIS-TECH TOKYO International Material Handling, Storage and Distribution Exhibition Tokyo 09.09 - 12.09 2014 GREAT JAPAN BEER FESTIVAL - YOKOHAMA Beer Festival & Expo Yokohama 13.09 - 15.09 2014 AD:TECH TOKYO AD:TECH is an interactive marketing conference and exhibition that delivers an up-close and informative look at the world Tokyo 17.09 - 18.09 2014 INSIDE 3D PRINTING - TOKYO B2B tradeshow & conference for the 3D printing industry. INSIDE 3D PRINTING TOKYO will enable visitors to partake in tutorials, conference sessions, network and explore business opportunities, policy considerations & the latest 3D printers & servicesunknownTokyo > Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)17.09 - 19.09 2014 TOKYO GAME SHOW Tokyo Game Showonce a yearChiba > Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center18.09 - 21.09 2014 AEROMART NAGOYA Aeronautics Professionals Business ConventionunknownNagoya24.09 - 26.09 2014 BTOB MEETINGS JAPAN AEROSPACE International Business Convention for the Aerospace Industriesevery 2 yearsNagoya24.09 - 26.09 2014 DMS OSAKA - DESIGN ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS EXPO / CONFERENCE Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo / Conference Kansai. Trade Show and Conference on IT Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry Osaka 24.09 - 26.09 2014 MEDIX OSAKA - MEDICAL DEVICE DEVELOPMENT & MANUFACTURING EXPO Medical Device Development & Manufacturing Expo Osaka 24.09 - 26.09 2014 M-TECH OSAKA - MECHANICAL COMPONENTS & MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY EXPO Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo Osaka 24.09 - 26.09 2014 ISF International Shoe & Fashion Goods Trade Show Tokyo 24.09 - 26.09 2014 OSAKA INTERNATIONAL GIFT SHOW Trade fair for personal gifts, business gifst and decorative accessories Osaka 25.09 - 26.09 2014 CEATEC JAPAN Cutting-Edge & IT Electronics Comprehensive Exhibitiononce a year Chiba 29.09 - 02.10 2014 TOKYO AEROSPACE Japan International Aerospace Exhibitiononce a year Nagoya Oct. 2014 IJT AUTUMN - INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY TOKYO AUTUMN International Jewelry Trade Expo. IJT AUTUMN is the trade fair for the year-end sales season and helps exhibitors and visitors to boost their on-site sales in October when the majority of retailers begin stocking up on goods for the holiday season Tokyo 01.10 - 03.10 2014 BIO JAPAN Partnering Event for the global Biotechnology Industry Tokyo 07.10 - 10.10 2014 TOKYO PACK International Packaging Showevery 2 yearsTokyo > Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)07.10 - 10.10 2014 HI JAPAN Health Ingredients Conferenceonce a yearTokyo > Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight)08.10 - 10.10 2014 BEAUTYWORLD JAPAN WEST International Trade Fair for Cosmetics, Perfumery, Toiletries, Hairdressers and Health Careonce a yearOsaka > Intex Osaka10.10 - 22.10 2014 AGRITECH JAPAN International Agricultural Material & Technology Expoonce a yearChiba > Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center15.10 - 17.10 2014 EXTEPO International Outdoor Living & Building Products Expoonce a yearChiba > Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center15.10 - 17.10 2014 GARDEX International Garden Expoonce a yearChiba > Makuhari Messe - Nippon Convention Center15.10 - 17.10 2014 IFEX JAPAN Tokyo International Flower Expo. Comprehensive Trade Show in Japan in the Flowers, Ornamenta. Plants and Gardening Industry Chiba 15.10 - 17.10 2014 INTERNATIONAL GARDEN & EXTERIOR EXPO TOKYO (GARDEX) International Garden Trade Fair Chiba 15.10 - 17.10 2014 TOOL JAPAN International Tools & Hardware Expo Tokyo Chiba 15.10 - 17.10 2014 IPI - TOKYO INTERNATIONAL PREMIUM INCENTIVE SHOW International Trade Fair for Sales Promotional Products Tokyo 15.10 - 17.10 2014 STRATEGIES IN LIGHT JAPAN Expo dedicated to the Global LED & Lighting Industry Yokohama 15.10 - 17.10 2014 COSME TOKYO International Cosmetics Trade Fair Tokyo 20.10 - 22.10 2014 IOFT Japan Medical-Optical Equipment Show Tokyo 20.10 - 22.10 2014 TOKYO BAG EXPO Bag Expo. TOKYO Bag Expo is Japan's largest exhibition specialised in all kinds of bags Tokyo 20.10 - 22.10 2014 TOKYO FASHION JEWELLERY EXPO Decorative Items Expo - Clothing, Ornament, Leather and Jewelry Expo Tokyo 20.10 - 22.10 2014 TOKYO SHOES EXPO Shoes Fair. TOKYO SHOES EXPO is Japan’s leading exhibition specialised in all kinds of shoes Tokyo 20.10 - 22.10 2014 DATA CENTER EXPO Data Center Expo Chiba 29.10 - 31.10 2014 IST - INFORMATION SECURITY EXPO Information Security Expo & Conference in Tokyo Chiba 29.10 - 31.10 2014 WEB & MOBILE MARKETING EXPO Web & Mobile Marketing Expo Chiba 29.10 - 31.10 2014 CLOUD COMPUTING EXPO JAPAN Cloud Computing Expo Tokyo 29.10 SMARTPHONE & MOBILE EXPO JAPAN Smartphone & Mobile Expo Tokyo 29.10 - 31.10 2014 JIMTOF Japan International Machine Tool Fair Tokyo 30.10 - 04.11 2014 VINEXPO NIPPON International Wine and Spirits Exhibition Tokyo 01.11 - 02.11 2014 JITAC EUROPEAN TEXTILE FAIR European Textile Fair Tokyo 11.11 - 13.11 2014 HOSPEX JAPAN International Healthcare Engineering Exhibition Tokyo 12.11 - 14.11 2014 IHE JAPAN International Horticultural Exhibition Tokyo 12.11 - 14.11 2014 JAPAN HOME & BUILDING SHOW Japan Home & Building Show Tokyo 12.11 - 14.11 2014 JAPANTEX International Interior Trend Show. Upholstery Fabrics, Curtains, Drapery, Home Textiles, Fabrics, Venetian Blinds, Carpets, Wallpaper, Wall Coverings, Interior Gifts, Tableware, Beddings, Lighting, etc… Tokyo 12.11 - 14.11 2014 BIOFACH JAPAN World Organic Products Expo. Trade Show & Congress Tokyo 20.11 - 22.11 2014 INTERIORLIFESTYLE LIVING (IFFT) Life Styles Show Tokyo 26.11 - 28.11 2014 SEMICON JAPAN International Exposition and Conference dedicated to Semiconductor Equipment, Materials and Services Tokyo 03.12 - 05.12 Japoński e-commerce
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Ambasada RP w Tokio Referat Konsularny Ambasady RP w Tokio
2-13-5 Mita Meguro-ku Tokio 153-0062 Japonia Tokio.msz.gov.pl Wydział Promocji Handlu i Inwestycji Orix Meguro Bldg. 2F, 1-24-12 Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0063 Tel.: + 81-3-5437-5050 Fax: + 81-3-5437-5040 e-mail: [email protected] Tokyo.trade.gov.pl Instytut Polski w Tokio http://pl.instytut-polski.org/ Ośrodek Polskiej Organizacji Turystycznej w Tokio www.poland.travel/ja GMTravel - Michael Grzybowski 4F Yotsuya Nagaoka Bldg 18-7 Arakicho, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 160-0007 Japan Tel.: +3-3358-5126, Fax: +3-5269-7699 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.gmtravel.net Kliknij tutaj, aby edytować.